
Scientific and experiential workshops, interdisciplinary didactic courses, formative activities and innovative educational projects, training, and scientific communication, aimed at students and teachers. Following the COVID-19 emergency, the educational proposal has been reformulated for an even more safe and effective use, in an integrated mode between in class lessons and online activities.

Educational Activities

The training courses of Fondazione Golinelli begin with proposals for boys and girls ages 1 to 13 and for boys and girls ages 14 to 19. The program consists of workshops and interactive activities specifically designed and always up to date on topics such as science, creativity, new digital technologies, and entrepreneurial culture.

Thanks to the methodological approach offered, students will be able to combine scientific skills, the approach of learning by doing and soft skills in order to grow from a human, intellectual and professional point of view ready to meet the future with confidence.

Upcoming School Events

Special Projects

Fondazione Golinelli collaborates with leading institutional entities, companies, and associations for the implementation of educational and training projects for students and teachers of all grades and levels.

Thanks to the accumulated skills of the Fondazione Golinelli and its partners, students can participate in current and innovative activities ranging from science to new technologies.

Progetto in collaborazione con Fondazione di Sardegna rivolto a 240 studenti e studentesse di 8 istituti scolastici sardi. Un percorso di formazione orientato all’imprenditorialità con webinar e hackathon didattici per rispondere a una challenge su temi trasversali.

Progetto di YOOX e Gruppo editoriale GEDI, in collaborazione con Fondazione Golinelli e Fondazione Specchio d'Italia, per colmare il gap digitale e risolvere il problema della diseguaglianza tecnologica tra giovani generazioni in Italia.

Progetto realizzato con il contributo della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento per le politiche della famiglia, per studenti di scuola secondaria di I e II grado sul tema dell’integrazione tra robotica e scienze naturali.

Project in collaboration with the City of Bologna and other partners for the promotion and dissemination of food education and good practices for healthy eating.

European project for the dissemination of scientific education and the awareness of schools and local communities on the importance of the commitment to sustainability.

Competition promoted by the Directorate General for School Systems and the evaluation of the national education system of MIUR (The Ministry of Education, University and Research) as part of the initiatives to celebrate the genius of Leonardo da Vinci, 500 years after his death.

Project in collaboration with AIRC to promote healthy lifestyles and delve into topics such as prevention, scientific and technological discoveries, oncology research and the accuracy of cancer information.

Project in collaboration with Alce Nero to raise awareness on environmental and food sustainability, expand knowledge on nutrition sciences and technologies applied to food for health and well-being.

Project in collaboration with YOOX NET-A-PORTER GROUP, as part of the international event Hour of Code, to increase the digital literacy of society, especially in younger generations.

European project to promote the mobility and professional development of teachers, school staff, educators and trainers through innovative methodologies based on cross-disciplinary and STEM teaching.

A program promoted by Fondazione CR Firenze and Intesa Sao Paulo to support degree seeking students from the Università degli Studi di Firenze, through scholarships combined with a mentoring program that takes place in class and online.

An experimental course, promoted by Confindustria Emilia Area Center, in collaboration with USR Emilia-Romagna, for the integration of school time in primary and lower secondary schools.

Project in collaboration with Confindustria Emilia for teachers to enhance technical training in middle and high schools.

Project in collaboration with Fondazione Carisbo for high school students. A training course geared towards entrepreneurship in the field of digital innovation, climate change and big data.

Upcoming School Events


Fondazione Golinelli organizes projects and paths of excellence, in class and online, dedicated to students to stimulate their frame of mind, enhance their talent, and develop soft skills.

The Foundation prepares children to face the complexity and unpredictability of the future by engaging them in initiatives where the school and work world dialogue and are closely linked to each other, with the aid of the valuable collaboration with partners, companies and research institutes.

Giardino delle imprese

Fondazione Golinelli proposes Giardino delle imprese, an informal school of entrepreneurial culture that enhances the individual skills and propensity of young people to pursue their goals. A journey to stimulate curiosity, creativity, and passion, offering concrete opportunities to put them to the test and realize their ideas.

The project goes beyond the traditional training proposition of the Italian school system and offers a structured and high-profile path: successful entrepreneurs and exponents of the world of business…

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Life Sciences Summer School
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The Life Sciences Summer School is a training course of excellence dedicated to secondary school students who are passionate about science and interested in current issues.

The project offers participants a valuable opportunity to experiment with innovative biotechnology, biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology, and genetics techniques used in the most advanced international research laboratories. Throughout the course, each student can work in individual laboratories, equipped with the latest tools.

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Ad Hoc Courses
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Fondazione Golinelli organizes, upon request, training courses on entrepreneurship and the development of cross-disciplinary skills, referring to the structure "Entrecomp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework" proposed by the European Union.

The courses are aimed at lower and upper secondary school students as well as college undergraduates and are characterized by practical training activities that follow project-based learning.

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For upper secondary students Fondazione Golinelli organizes certifiable projects such as PCTO (Paths for Core Competencies and Orientation).

The aim is to promote the orientation of young people and enrich their training through courses that allow them to experiment with procedures related to some of the activities carried out in research laboratories fostering laboratory teaching activities.

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Laboratorio territoriale
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Since 2016 Opificio Golinelli has housed the Laboratorio territoriale for employability Opus Facere – Fare per capire (Doing to understand) freely offering 300 square meters to part of its staff for the management of activities.

The educational project involves a network of schools in Bologna and public and private partners in Emilia-Romagna. The aim is to set up shared spaces from multiple schools where advanced educational experiences can be made.

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Upcoming School Events

Teacher Training

Fondazione Golinelli offers training projects and ad hoc courses, in class and in remote, to teachers, school leaders, educators and trainers. The aim is to innovate "schooling", engaging, and training teachers in interactive teaching in the fields of science, technology, skills acquisition, methodological innovation and learning technologies.

Thanks to the update proposals, Fondazione Golinelli develops research in teaching and innovation in school. Every year, around 4000 Italian teachers of all types and levels are involved in training activities.

Upcoming School Events

The school area of Fondazione Golinelli aims to educate young people by providing them with the most useful tools to look to the future with confidence and guide them in a complex and unpredictable world. From this perspective, it offers scientific and experiential workshops, interdisciplinary educational courses, educational activities and innovative projects in education, teacher training and scientific communication for students and teachers across all levels.

As a result of government measures to contain Coronavirus and to address new educational needs, the educational and training proposition have been reformulated for successful online use by teachers and classrooms.

Educational and training proposals are strongly characterized by the focus on innovation and digital teaching, the development of new knowledge, skills, and the experimentation of innovative methodologies, as well as the quality of scientific content and the collaboration with partners and research institutes for special projects in which school and work are closely linked.

Three themes to explore: the combination of science and digital technologies; education in entrepreneurship as a bridge between the world of school and work; dialogue between art, science, and technology, fostering a fertile ground to imagine the future.


Through its educational activity, Fondazione Golinelli aims to promote scientific education and creativity in children, bringing girls and boys closer to science and technology through direct experimentation by fostering entrepreneurship, interdisciplinarity and innovation. In addition, it promotes the orientation and training of students by organizing certifiable projects in acquiring core skills, with guidance and ad hoc training courses on entrepreneurship on how to apply these cross competencies. To support educational innovation, Fondazione Golinelli engages and trains thousands of teachers from all over Italy every year with the aim of promoting interactive and participatory teaching to innovate "schooling”.


Fondazione Golinelli experiments with innovative methodologies, working to combine three useful elements for the professional, human, and intellectual growth of younger generations.

The first element is the knowledge concerning all the scientific content on which educational proposals are based on. The second element is know-how, that is, the experiential component that passes through laboratory experiments and the use of new technologies. The third element is knowing how to be, that is, the soft skills that each of us began forming in childhood and that must be cultivated in order to successfully face the work world.


To reach students and teachers all across Italy, G-LAB, the operational arm of Fondazione Golinelli that enhances and spreads its experience was established in 2018.

G-LAB offers both scientific and interdisciplinary educational activities, including online laboratories, aimed at schools of all levels. In addition, it develops detailed educational projects that complement teacher training, which can be adapted, on request, according to the special needs of each school as well as to the management of COVID-19 containment.